About Us
Mission & Vision
The Eagle Chronicles is a fully student-run newspaper with a mission to inform, entertain, and create community for all of AST's Eagles.
Inspired by an age of distance learning, The Eagle Chronicles envisions a more connected community of Eagles across all ages and the world, for years to come.
Meet the leaders of The Eagle Chronicles

Lead Editor
Ana Carolina Alvarado
Nickname: "Ana C"
Class of 2021
Father: Juan Carlos Alvarado Class of '85
One Word to Describe Me: Organized
People Consider Me: A Nerd
Most Likely to: Fall Asleep Suddenly
Pet Peeve: When People Interrupt Me
I love: Anime, Chicken Wings, Books
Meet the editors of The Eagle Chronicles

Editor & Writer
Alexandra Takkula
Nick Name: "Alex"
Class of 2021
One Word to Describe Me: Adventurous
People Consider Me: An Extrovert
Most Likely to: Arrive Late
Pet Peeve: Being Rushed
I love: Traveling, Parties & Shopping

Editor & Writer
Daniela Villalobos
Nickname: "Dani"
Class of 2022
One Word to Describe Me: Happy
People Consider Me: An Artist
Most Likely to: Sing or Act in Public
Pet Peeve: Lies & Loud Chewing
I love: Writing, Family & Friends, Food
Fiona Obando
Class of 2022
Mother: Virginia Espinoza Class of '93
One Word to Describe Me: Determined
People Consider Me: A Nerd
Most Likely to: Get into an Argument
Pet Peeve: People Disrespecting Elders
I love: Sports, Reading & Sleeping

Editor & Writer
Sofia Corrales
Nickname: "Sofi"
Class of 2022
Father: José Corrales Class of 1994
One Word to Describe Me: Optimistic
Most Likely to: Travel the World
Pet Peeve: Clichés in Movies
I love: The Beach, Movies & the Yankees
Editor & Writer
Isabella Arguello
Nickname: "Isa"
Class of 2022
Mother: Johanna Genie '84
One Word to Describe Me: Passionate
Most Likely to: Find a Career to Help Others
Pet Peeve: Lies
I love: Writing, Family, Helping People
Isabella Maldonado
Nickname: "Maldo"
Class of 2022
One Word To Describes Me: Glamorous
My Friends Think: That I will Make It Big
Most Likely to: Become Famous
I love: My Life & the People in it, My Dreams & Opportunities

Editor & Writer
Eduardo Villacorta
Nickname: "Edu"
Class of 2022
One Word to Describe Me: Funny
Most Likely to: Succeed
Pet Peeve: Loud Talkers
I love: Volleyball, Music, Movies
Editor & Writer
Jose Pablo Rivera
Nickname: "JP"
Class of 2023
Parents: Jose Rafael Rivera Class of '91 & Erika Simon Class of '94
One Word to Describe Me: Relaxed
People Consider Me: A Positive Guy
Most Likely to: Play Sports/Inspire Others
Pet Peeve: When No Sports are on TV
I love: Basketball, Soccer, Exercise, Challenges That Push Me
Meet the Writers of The Eagle Chronicles

Victor Kafie
Nickname: "Cito"
Class of 2021
One Word to Describe Me: Dreamer
People Consider Me: Loud
Most Likely to: Win a Nobel Prize
Pet Peeve: Negativity
I love: Watching Movies, Visualizing my Future, Cooking

Writer & Designer
Carla Duron
Class of 2021
Father: Carlos Duron Class of '87
One Word to Describe Me: Motivated
People Consider Me: A Nerd
Most Likely to: Do Scientific Research
Pet Peeve: Laziness
I love: Netflix Marathons with Friends, Bubble Wrap, PB&Js
Writer & Designer
Angélica Azcona
Nickname: "Angie"
Class of 2021
One Word to Describe Me: Determined
Most Likely to: Be a Doctor
I love: Family, Friends, Medicine

Ana Mercedes Luque
Nickname: "Ana Merz"
Class of 2021
One Word to Describe Me: Friendly
People Consider Me: A Nerd
Most Likely to: Become a Caffeine Addict
Pet Peeve: When People are Rude to Waiters
I love: Family, Friends, & Music
Nia Mazariegos
Class of 2022
Mother: Stephania Pizzati Class of '93
One Word to Describe Me: Determined
Most Likely to: Become a Doctor/Surgeon
Pet Peeve: Being Late
I love: Greys Anatomy, Crazy Socks, Elmo

Writer & Designer
Amelie Arnold
Nickname: "AJ"
Class of 2024
One Word to Describe Me: Silly
People Consider Me: Outgoing
Most Likely to: Fall Down or Break Out in Laughter
Pet Peeve: Gum Smacking
I love: Family, Music, Writing

Fabiana Lara
Nickname: "Fabi"
Class of 2022
Parents: Gustavo Lara Class of '88
& Lorena Bendeck Class of '94
One Word to Describe Me: Happy
People Consider Me: Neat & Organized
Most Likely to: Make You Laugh
Pet Peeve: Slow Walkers
I love: Family & Friends, Sports, & Sleeping
Mario Richmagui
Class of 2024
Father: Mario Richmagui Class of '94
One Word to Describe Me: Unique
People Consider Me: An Athlete
Most Likely to: Make You Laugh
Pet Peeve: Bossy People
I love: Sports, Family, Friends
Rodrigo Becerra
Nickname: "Bercerra"
Class of 2024
Father: René Becerra Class of '84
One Word to Describe Me: Happy
People Consider Me: An Athlete
Most Likely to: Make People Laugh
Pet Peeve: When People Ignore Me
I love: Sports, Dogs, and Family
Meet the Designers of The Eagle Chronicles

Graphic Designer & Writer
Andrea Caballero
Nickname: "Andy"
Class of 2021
One Word to Describe Me: Creative
Most Likely to: Be Famous (According To Her Friends)
Pet Peeve: Bad Grammar
I love: Friends & Family, Traveling, Art

Lead Designer
Valentina Roig
Nickname: "Vale"
Class of 2021
One Word to Describe Me: Funny
People Consider Me: A Jock
Most Likely to: Get Asked for ID at 30
Pet Peeve: Two Sided People
I love: The Beach, Playing Sports, Traveling
Lead Designer
Isabella Creamer
Nickname: "Bella"
Class of 2021
Mother: Indiana Creamer Class of '89
One Word to Describe Me: Adventurous
People Consider Me: To Be Shy
Most Likely to: Travel the World
Pet Peeve: Interrupting
I love: Dancing, Public Speaking, Art

Lead Designer
Andrea Zablah
Nickname: "Andy"
Class of 2021
One Word to Describe Me: Imaginative
People Consider Me: An Artsy Kid
Most Likely to: Publish a Comic
Pet Peeve: Crowded Spaces
I love: Drawing, Video Games, Anime
Camila Corrales
Nickname: "Cami"
Class of 2024
Father: Carlos Corrales ClSS OF '98
One Word to Describe Me: Forgetful
People Consider Me: A VSCO girl
Most Likely to: Cheer Someone Up
Pet Peeve: Locals
I love: One Direction, Food, Netflix