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About Us

Mission & Vision

The Eagle Chronicles is a fully student-run newspaper with a mission to inform, entertain, and create a community for all of AST's Eagles. 

Inspired by an age of distance learning, The Eagle Chronicles envisions a more connected community of Eagles across all ages and the world for years to come. 

Meet the leaders of The Eagle Chronicles

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Lead Editor

Fiona Obando

Class of 2022

Two words that describe me: determined & loyal

People consider me as: a nerd

Most likely to: get into an argument

Pet Peeve: people who are rude to others in order to be funny

I love: baseball & my dog

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Ms. Lucy Wynn

Class of 2012

Two words that describe me: kind and caring

People consider me as: a helpful person

Most likely to: be an English teacher

Pet Peeve: people who are inconsiderate of others 

I love: Doctor Who


Lead Editor

Isabella Arguello

Class of 2022

Two words that describe me: honest & passionate

People consider me as: a serious person

Most likely to: work towards helping others

Pet Peeve: people who walk slow

I love: writing & nature

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Ms. Katherine Hamilton

Class of 2013 

Two words that describe me: hard-working and loyal

People consider me as: someone who loves to try new things

Most likely to: pet every dog I meet

Pet Peeve: chewing noises

I love: dancing

Meet the editors of The Eagle Chronicles

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Editor & Guest Writer

Amelie Arnold or AJ
Class of 2024
Two words that describe me: funny and talkative
People consider me: an outgoing/bubbly person
Most likely to: start laughing while I tell a joke/story
Pet peeve: chewing sounds
I love: my friends and family

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Isabella Maldonado
Class of 2022
Two words that describe me: glamorous and confident
People consider me: a successful person
Most likely to: become famous
Pet peeve: when someone reads slowly 
I love: my life

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Editor & Writer

Irene Vasquez
Class of 2023
Two words that describe me: perceptive and logical 
People consider me: someone with the potential to achieve great things when they put in the effort
Most likely to: play a simple song after listening to it only once on most instruments
Pet peeve: anyone or anything that is too loud
I love: a book that requires thinking and solving skills

Image by Artur Łuczka

Editor & Writer

Fabiana Lara

Class of 2022
Two words that describe me: grounded and energetic
People consider me: a happy person
Most likely to: be stressed out
Pet peeve: people who chew with their mouths open
I love: chocolate and my friends


Editor & Writer

Jose Pablo Rivera
Class of 2023
Two words that describe me: perseverant and curious
People consider me: a relaxed individual 
Most likely to: binge-watch sports all-day
Pet peeve: having to cut my hair without having a choice 
I love: to eat Cinnabon’s rolls

Image by Artur Łuczka

Editor & Writer

Daniela Villalobos

Image by Artur Łuczka

Editor & Writer

Maria Gabriela Morales
Class of 2022
Two words that describe me: kind and genuine
People consider me: a caring person
Most likely to: get up at 5 AM to watch the sunrise
Pet peeve: when people lie
I love: nature

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Editor & Writer

Sofia Corrales
Class of 2022
Two words that describe me: easy going 
People consider me: a Yankees fan
Most likely to: sit through the credits after a Marvel movie
Pet peeve: when people are on their phone while watching a movie
I love: the beach

Meet the Writers of The Eagle Chronicles

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Valeria Bonilla

Class of 2026

Two words that describe me: creative and ambitious 

People consider me: a brave person

Most likely to: be a doctor

Pet peeve: people who don’t do what they promise

I love: my family

Image by Artur Łuczka


Mariana Simon

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Eduardo Villacorta

Class of 2022

Two words that describe me: loyal and silent

People consider me: a Disciplined person 

Most likely to: Accomplish their goals

Pet peeve: When people randomly touch me or get too close to me

I love: playing sports


Valeria Corrales

Class of 2025

Two words that describe me: creative and easy-going

People consider me: a courageous person

Most likely to: break a world record

Pet peeve: when people come into my room and don't close the door when they leave

I love: playing the violin, my dog and


Image by Artur Łuczka


Camille Fiechter

Image by Artur Łuczka

Guest Writer

Camila Corrales

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Marianne Sabat

Image by Artur Łuczka


Camila Batres

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Guest Writer

Nia Mazariegos

Class of 2022
Two words that describe me: determined and helpful
People consider me: a loud person 
Most likely to: become a doctor/surgeon
Pet peeve: being late
I love: crazy socks

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Meet the Designers of The Eagle Chronicles

Image by Artur Łuczka


Camila Pineda

Image by Artur Łuczka


Andrea Zablah

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