It’s okay to not have everything under control sometimes. Life will always throw us curveballs, but we have to power through and show the world who is the boss. You have gotten this far, and there is no reason for you to stop now. During times like these, it is easy to lose sight of our goals and why we want to accomplish them.
We have to keep being on track and push through because if we don’t push ourselves, who will?
Recently, I’ve felt like I put my goals on hold because of everything going on in my surroundings. I hadn’t talked to most of my friends, I wasn’t able to practice the sports I love and just see the people that make me happy. I felt trapped inside a bubble of problems with no solutions. My goals are still the same, but the light inside me had shut off. Suddenly, I felt that there was no purpose to continue trying and I abandoned everything, I felt lost. The world kept going, but I was living in the past. I had lost track of what I wanted to do and started to focus on what I wasn’t able to accomplish. There were changes going on around me, but I didn't seem to be changing with the world. I was limiting myself because of what others had accomplished and what I wasn’t able to do.
What I didn’t remember was the reason why I had all of these goals I wanted to accomplish. Thinking back, I was so chained to what I didn't do that I couldn’t see the bigger picture. I was doing everything for me so there was no reason to stop. I had set these goals in order to grow as a person and align myself, but I was doing the opposite. Abandoning everything was refreshing for a while because I felt like I had lost a weight, but then it was like, what now. Where do I keep going if I don't have anything to work for? All of this helped me grow and realize that those goals were there for a reason.

This made me reflect on why I had set those goals in the beginning. I had to change and it was for the better because if I didn't, I would be stuck without a purpose and lost. Realizing how many opportunities I had missed made me work harder and become stronger. I started to accomplish the goals I had set and started to set new ones. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and I would do it again because it got me to where I am today. Now, I know that just by setting a goal for myself, I am starting to believe that I can do it and little by little, I can see it paying off which motivates me to continue.
I think back to the one of the most defining moments where I almost left it all.
I’ve never been the best at sports but that hasn’t stopped me. I felt passion and motivation and that was enough for me. The first time I tried out for the school's teams, I didn’t make it, and I was faced with a choice. Leave it all or keep trying. This is where I realized that I was playing for me and I enjoyed it so, why not keep trying. I persevered and kept going, and I don’t regret this decision. I kept practicing and got better and I made the teams. Not only did I start to believe in myself but, the surrounding people saw what a little motivation can go a long way.
It might seem hard and slow at first but if you persevere and continue you will be able to do anything you want. By setting your own goals, you are pushing yourself to move on and face life head on. It might seem hard at first, but it's going to be worth it at the end, and the results will pay off. It will show you that you are capable of doing anything you want and that you have the courage to step up and show yourself you can do it. By accomplishing these goals you can see how even though it was tough, you still manage to accomplish them no matter what was thrown towards you. You learn that you are resilient and you have what it takes inside you. No matter how tough it gets, know that everything happens for a reason and even though you might think nothing of it, it is exactly what you need.
Fight for your dreams and remember, “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible.” (Audrey Hepburn)